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Just go to and search for Maxwell House Yoga, registering us as your charitable choice!
You can also continue using Fundsponge and iGive.
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We thank you and happy holidays!
Give back Donating to a cause directly
Our classes are free, but we encourage people to donate what they can.
We have donation cups in site for Middle Way House, Mother Hubbard’s Cupboard, and Maxwell House Yoga. You may also donate non-perishable food or other sundry items for Mother Hubbard’s Cupboard.
Bellow are other ways to give back.
Give back Buying a T-shirt (cost benefits Maxwell House Yoga)
T-shirts can be purchased as donations via pay-pal.
Sliding scale:
Adult T-shirts $12-$20 (first 2 photos)
Kids T-shirts: $8-$12 (only in blue)
Tanks (American Apparel & Bella): $20-$25
Flowy long sleeves: $25-$30
Handling and Shipping = $5.
If you can’t come to Maxwell House and try on our shirts, please follow the product pages to see more information about sizing and fit. We also recommend that you measure a shirt you already own and find a Maxwell House shirt that fits the same.
Racerback Tank Top in Navy Blue by American Apparel:
Sizes available: Large
Junior’s Fit Maroon T-Shirt: https://www.
Sizes available: Extra Small through 3XL
Junior’s Fit Royal Blue T-Shirt: http://www.mygildan.
Sizes available: Small through 2XL
Ladies’ Fit Maroon T-Shirt: http://www.mygildan.
Sizes available: Small through 3XL
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